Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Barely a Centimeter

Admittedly, I spent a fair amount of time on the couch today. It's hard to get started when it seems like everything is conspiring against me to keep me from riding my way towards my goal. But time in the saddle alone isn't going to get me all the way to and through an endurance ride.

I'm on the exercise bike right now. I have to increase my own strength and endurance, as well as decrease my weight, if I want to give Ike the best chance at completing a 100 someday. My big goal is to be a middleweight, gear and all, by this time next year. Thank god for lightweight saddles!

This is the view I imagine while huffing away on the exercise bike.

It's so hard not to keep going to the Stonewall Saddles page to gaze at the beautiful saddle that's being constructed for me right now. I have accessories for it on order and they should be here by next week, long before the saddle. Just to taunt me. It's so hard to make myself go ride when I know that I feel insecure in my English saddle and will be painful by mile 5 in the trail saddle. At least the weather makes me feel less like I'm missing out - the ground is so wet it's hard for me to walk, nevermind my weight on top of Ike's weight, concentrated onto relatively small hooves.

30 minutes, soaked through my shirt. Barely a centimeter gained.

Message from the Couch

I am actually sitting on the couch as I post this, listening to the violent storm that will prevent me from riding for the next couple of days at least. The usual trails I ride are certainly under water at this point.

This changes nothing.

Today, I am making a vow that I will, within one year's time, do my first endurance ride.

My name is Becky. My partner is a coming 9 year old, 17 hand Tennessee Walker/Standardbred gelding named Ike. He is an athlete. I am not (yet).